Wednesday, January 29, 2020

La Live Dance Concert Essay Example for Free

La Live Dance Concert Essay One of the remarkable dancing show that I have seen during the semester is the dance show called â€Å"Flower of the Season†. The dance show contains four pieces and each of the piece was performed by different performers- â€Å"Kudzu† choreographed by Kim Nakakura, â€Å"Lupin† choreographed by Amnnelien Goetschalckx, â€Å"Grey Stem† choreographed by Cat Westwood, and there was one untitled piece choreographed by Eric Losoya. â€Å" The Flower of the Season† was performed at Electric Lodge. Though I had no idea of how the dancers would be performed, but I was so excited since it was the first time I went to see a dance performance. I expected that I would be so relaxed while watching the gentler poses and saltant performances by the dancers. However, as the show began, I realized this was not a kind of dance show I had been imagined. The first piece began with the performer standing at the entrance. While people were passing through the performer and to grab a seat waiting for the show to begin, the performer was still standing at the entrance emotionlessly, and I was wondering if that was a part of the show. After all the audiences had their seats and silently watching the dancer, she finally started to move into the stage extremely slowly. It was funny to me at first, but after the dancer moved to the center of the stage, I was so impressed when I saw her face that was hidden behind her long hair. Her eye was fulled with upset and pain, and then she even began to cry. Although there were limited dancing techniques in the show, the performer successfully conveyed a sense of hopeless to the audiences. Before I can be dispassionate from recollecting the emotions and performances of the dancer in the first piece, the â€Å"Grey Stem† began with the performer rapped by a bag and slowly rolled down from the stair. As she reached to the stage, the dancer was released and began waving her arms as she was swimming in the ocean. The whole piece seemed to illustrate a sorrowful story that a person was abandoned and She was trying to find the way to home without any help from others. At the end of the show, I felt that It was glad to be there. Though the interpretations of the pieces played in the show might vary between the audiences but I enjoyed the whole show would never forget all the impression that I had received from the show.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Mexico and the Quest for Economic Improvement :: Free Essays Online

Mexico and the Quest for Economic Improvement Karl Marx once stated, â€Å" A commodity appears at first sight, a very trivial thing and easily understood. It’s analysis shows that it is in reality, a very queer thing, abounding in metaphysical subtleties and theological niceties.† Ironically, Marx would have never anticipated the conflict over queer space that I am going to detail. The commodification of Aguascalientes, Mexico has been nonetheless a very queer thing indeed. The space in Aguascalientes has been torn apart by competing ideals surrounding sexuality and gay and lesbian identity, yet both sides in this competition have a common interest: selling a specific commodity—namely, the space of Aguascalientes In September 2000, Mr. Jorge Alvarez Medina, the Director of Regulations of Aguascalientes, in the Mexican state of Aguascalientes, publicly announced his opposition to gays, lesbians, and transgender people. He stated that he will â€Å"not allow ‘this type of people’ access to any public facility or allow them to work in the public sector.† Medina also claimed that Aguascalientes needed to portray a cleaner image to the public. Many LGBT and human rights organizations claim this act to be â€Å"prejudiced, corrupt, and violent.† The order made by Medina is also a threat to Article 7 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which states, â€Å"All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection before the law.† This is only one of the many events that have occurred in Aguascalientes pertaining to gay, lesbian and transgender relations, where, according to some estimates, there are more than 12,200 gays (more than 10% of overall population). By analyzing these statements made by Medina, many questions arise. If Medina is tying to portray a â€Å"cleaner image† in the city of Aguascalientes, for whom is this image? Curiously the Mexonline website gives Aguascalientes a different reputation, contradicting Medina’s biased proposal. The Mexonline website gives its audience the impression that Aguascalientes has a very accepting and diverse society. The website states, â€Å" Aguascalientes is well positioned to mull full-steam ahead into the 21st century. We are well aware that our future rests on our export capacity. World business leaders, who have already located in the state, share our vision and, together with our local business community, our industrious labor force, and our imaginative policy makers, have joined hands and laid the foundation for a prosperous and happy society in this, ‘the state of friendly people.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Listing and Speaking

Skill Development: Fear of public speaking http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=a56v2PSUQy8&feature=related Proactive = controlling a situation by making things happen or by preparing for possible future problems Myth = an idea or story that is believed by many people but that is not true Come across = to make a particular impression Overwhelming = something that is so confusing or difficult Optimal = best or most effectiveProfound = major, significant Intimate = having a very close relationship Overcompensating = trying to make up for something that is lacking or bad by doing too much of something else Rehearse = to say or do (something) several times in order to practice Backfire = to have the opposite result of what was desired or expected Interpretation: Keys to Successful Interpreting: Consecutive Interpretation Note-taking http://www. youtube. om/watch? v=ddRk2pvzsVQ Rambling = lengthy Incomprehensible = beyond your understanding Furiously = rapidly Decipher = make sense of Scribb le = scrawl = jot down Groping around = searching blindly or uncertainly Consign = transfer Delegate = a person who speaks or acts on behalf of an organization at a meeting or conference Encapsulate = summarizeHindrance = obstacle Politics: Palestine http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=qANkb5hUUfo Resolution = decision |Contend = argue | |Confrontation = conflict |Negotiate = discuss | |Implicit = hidden |Accountability = responsibility | |Partition = separation |Demolish = destroy | |envisage = imagine |Get away with = escape | |Territory = area |To be held accountable = held responsible | |Disputed = undecided |swirling = twisting | Linguistics: Language acquisition http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=pmsQJfyVrr0&feature=related instinctively = intuitively |species = basic category of biological classification | |isolate = separate |defect = a shortcoming, fault, or imperfection | |multitude = large number |mutation = change or alteration | |cognitive = mental |disorder = a disturbanc e in physical or mental health or functions | |breakthrough = sudden discovery |version = a particular form or variant of something | Technology India Launches World's CheapestTablet Computer for 50$ http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=oQXQVuaJ43o;feature=related sneak peek = an opportunity to see something before it is officially available gadget = small device or machine with a particular purpose port = in computers: a data connection in a computer to which a peripheral device or a transmission line from a remote terminal can be attached. HD= high definition = a system which produces very good quality television images in greater detail than ordinary systemsDebate: How to Change http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=zSb5BmIfNhI maverick |unconventional person | |entrepreneur |capitalist | |leap |jump | |rash |reckless | |enhance |improve | |attribute |quality | |philanthropy |charity | Religion and Culture convert |change | |committed |devoted | |preach |give a sermon | |polish |improve | |by the stack |a great deal | |unequivocally |clearly | |manuscript |document | |authentic |true – original |salvation |saving | |embrace |accept | Positive Psychology How to be Happy: http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=ilry-1-ucnA;feature=related pursue = continue elusive = hard to find fugitive = difficult to get evolutionary = gradual process in which something changes into a different and usually more complex or better form ingrained = very difficult to change propensity = a strong natural tendency to do something mechanism = a process or system that is used to produce a particular result o endure = to continue going through something unpleasant sustain = to provide what is needed for (something or someone) to exist hedonic treadmill = the tendency of humans to quickly return to a relatively stable level of happiness genetic set point = baseline habituating = make or become accustomed or used to something. hard wired = functions that are innate and unlearned in living s ystems lottery savoring = enjoying mindfulness = being aware of fruition = realization virtues = good and moral behavior analogy = a comparison of two things sensation = a particular feeling or effect that your body experiences cultivate = to improve or develop

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Sustainable Development Critical Thinking

In the current times the society is facing many problems of different nature. Some of these problems include for instance; homelessness, racism, poverty, educational issues, environmental problems, child abuse, and drug abuse. Environmental and economic issues can be said to be the major problems that the society experiences today. In order to deal with these problems, strategies have to be laid down on how they can be minimized. One such strategy is sustainable development. According to Baker (2006), many definitions for sustainable development have been put forward. However, it is most commonly defined as the utilization of resources in such a way that human needs are met while at the same time aiming at preserving the environment for the generations to come. In other words, it is a development that aims at meeting the current needs of people without compromising the ability of the generations to come meeting their own needs. Many of the economic and environmental problems can be addressed by sustainable development. For example, the issue of utilization and allocation of resources in the society and preservation of the environment can be appropriately addressed by sustainable development, (Schmandit Ward, 2000).   By employing this principle, planners will not only be aiming at efficient ways using resources so as to maximize the utility of the current generation but also, they will be factoring in the needs of the future generations. Besides, the principle will also help in the reduction of the income disparity gap in our society is it is taken into consideration in the allocations of resources of the society. To conclude with, implementation of sustainable development involves a number of issues. According to Rao (2000), such issues include, changing of unsustainable designs of production and consumption, protection and management of economic natural resource base and social development, health and sustainable development, and sustainable development in the globalizing world. All these issues should be addressed in details if at all the positive results of sustainable development are to be realized.